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10 maggio 2010 8:18 - Vincenzo
pour tunisianao
merci, nous avons mieux verifiè et vous avez raison. Nous avons donnè trop confiànce à une article du quotidien française Liberation....
9 maggio 2010 23:54 - tunisianao
I am sorry for posting this comment in english.

I wanted to correct some informations in this article:
1- The name of the current communication minister is not Habib Ammar, but Mohamed Naceur Ammar
2- The nickname "Ammar 404" used by tunisian internet users, does not refer to the minister, but to the institution responsible of controling internet in Tunisia: ATI, Tunisian Agency of Internet
3- The nickname "Ammar 404" was used for years, before the minister Ammar become a minister earlier this year.
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